Purchasing Your First Home in Barrie – Choose from Barrie’s Top Realtors
Why you should choose from Barrie’s Top Realtors when Purchasing your First Home in Barrie? Knowledge is said to open doors. This is literally true when it comes to buying a home. To become a first-time home buyer, you need to know where and how to begin the home buying process.
If your planning on raising a family, or have one already started, schools maybe the most important item on your list of required items. Check with your local school board or realtor to find out specific educational requirements in your area.
Choosing a home that meets today’s and your future needs can save you a lot of headaches down the road. Moving or expanding your current house selection to suit an expanding family can be expensive.
Some buyers will simply call the Realtor who is listing the property when buying a new home. While this is legal it is sometimes not the best decision for inexperienced home buyers. You would probably be better served using a Realtor whose only interest is yours, not divided between the buyer and seller.
Going to your bank or financial institution for a mortgage pre-approval is an important part of shopping for a home. Knowing what you can afford allows you to concentrate on a select group of homes and allows you to focus on obtaining the best value for your dollars. This usually simplifies the process and saves everyone time and energy. In a competitive market, where time is essential, this can make the difference when bidding on a property when other buyers are interested.
First time home buyers have to be aware of the expenses of maintaining a home and should sit down with a financial planner or consultant to ensure that they stay within their budget requirements. Get some quotes on legal expenses and ensure you budget for land transfer taxes when estimating your budget.
Hiring a professional home inspector to inspect your property is almost a foregone conclusion in today’s real estate market. Never buy a property without getting it inspected. Protect yourself from buying a property that has been improperly built or has expensive deficiencies that can often far exceed your ability to repair.
The Professional computerized home inspection report, prepared by the Barrie Home Inspector will include a review of your heating system, electrical system, air conditioner, interior plumbing, roof, attic visible insulation, basement, foundation and any visible structure. The inspection will also detail any maintenance or other deficiencies.